Erik C.

Location: Davenport, IA

Paw Fan Since: Paw received rave reviews for Dragline when it came out in a lot of the printed media so I picked up Dragline when it hit record stores and have been a fan since.

Favorite Paw Album: Death To Traitors

Top 3 Paw Tracks: It’s impossible to pick only three, so just doing one from each album. Not including the bootlegs, demos, Keep the Last Bullet or Palomar (Grant did a few great songs on that one as well).

  1. Dragline

  2. Seasoned Glove

  3. One Handed in the Red Room

Favorite Paw Riffs: There are so many not sure how to even pick a favorite.

Favorite Paw Lyrics: Seasoned Glove

Favorite Paw Memories:

  • I saw Paw open for Tesla back during the Death to Traitors tour and we left after they played … no offense to Tesla, just was never a fan.

  • Also great memories of Paw music in the video game of Road Rash when games first moved to CD-ROM and started having actual digital audio.

  • There has always been a small group of die hard Paw fans I remember decades ago in the early days of the internet there being email discussion groups and or newsgroups on UseNet that had a lot of active discussion.

Paw Wishlist:

  • I am just glad that Mark is out doing new music with Godzillionaire.

  • I have the original physical pressings of the three studio albums but it would be nice to get physical copies of Keep the Last Bullet for Yourself or Palomar.