A Welcome Byproduct of the Post-Nirvana Grunge Era: Spin Magazine

What: Article on Paw in Spin Magazine

When: Aug. 1993


  • “Their debut album, Dragline, far surpasses the industry buzz that’s haunted the band since last year’s Newsweek article chronicling the post-Nirvana A&R crush fingered them as sweepstakes winners.”

  • “Muscular but never bullying, Paw cruises the same highways as its various Seattle counterparts, but blows by on the airy melodicism of Fitch’s music and the full-throttle throat of Hennessy. Paw’s weird confluence of influences (Hennessy’s favorite lyricists include such unicorn-femmes as Tori Amos and Kate Bush, while Fitch cites long-gone Louisville indie-punks Squirrel Bait as guiding lights) promotes toughness and tenderness, a vulnerability that shakes out in many of the stories told on Dragline.

  • “Not exactly Satan’s cheerleaders, these boys.”