A Welcome Byproduct of the Post-Nirvana Grunge Era: Spin Magazine
What: Article on Paw in Spin Magazine
When: Aug. 1993
“Their debut album, Dragline, far surpasses the industry buzz that’s haunted the band since last year’s Newsweek article chronicling the post-Nirvana A&R crush fingered them as sweepstakes winners.”
“Muscular but never bullying, Paw cruises the same highways as its various Seattle counterparts, but blows by on the airy melodicism of Fitch’s music and the full-throttle throat of Hennessy. Paw’s weird confluence of influences (Hennessy’s favorite lyricists include such unicorn-femmes as Tori Amos and Kate Bush, while Fitch cites long-gone Louisville indie-punks Squirrel Bait as guiding lights) promotes toughness and tenderness, a vulnerability that shakes out in many of the stories told on Dragline.
“Not exactly Satan’s cheerleaders, these boys.”