Endless Sonic Territory – Grant's Guitars (Guitar School)

What: Feature on Grant Fitch in Guitar School magazine

When: July 1994

So What:

  • “I decided to take what little I know and make music that tells a story.”

  • “Grant employs jarring, dynamic changes, achieved by alternating ultra-heavy riff verses with chordal, hook-laden choruses.”

  • “Lushly layered guitars – Fitch sometimes records up to seven different parts – ensure that the repeat listener will always find new sonic territory to explore.”

  • “When a 30-second vocal-less “void” on the track Gasoline needed to be filled, he had no choice but to face the music – guitar in hand. ‘I just plugged in my wah-wah, picked up my Jazzmaster – I didn’t even tune it – and said ‘Hit record, man!’”