Full Concert From 1996 Tour With Tesla
What: Full set for Paw, while on tour with Tesla.
When: January (?) 1996
Where: I don’t think this was in Florida, as the video’s notes suggest. Paw’s tour dates with Tesla were …
Jan. 14, 1996 in St. Louis
Jan. 19, 1996 in Milwaukee
Jan. 20, 1996 in Chicago
Jan. 23, 1996 in Peoria, Illinois
Jan. 24, 1996 in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jan. 30, 1996 in Indianapolis
Feb. 23, 1996 in Norfolk, Virginia
March 17, 1996 in Louisville, Kentucky
Mark Hennessy (vocals)
Grant Fitch (guitar)
Peter Fitch (drums)
Jason Magierowski (bass)
So What:
We know this video is from the tour with Tesla because A) Mark references Tesla and B) that Death to Traitors background was made specifically for the tour with Tesla.
Blistering opener in Sunflower.
Wicked performance of Couldn’t Know.
Smashing performance of Sleeping Bag, especially around “Someone call the doctor!”
Interaction with a jackass in the crowd, before The Bridge, which Mark incorporates into the beginning of The Bridge.
Primal performance of Pansy.
Sunflower (O:13)
Couldn’t Know (4:41)
Seasoned Glove (9:40)
Hope I Die Tonight (14:10)
Sleeping Bag (18:52)
Gold Dust Woman (23:13)
Lolita (24:22)
The Bridge (30:12)
Pansy (34:20)
Jessie (38:49)