Paw Checks In With the Kansas City Star Amidst Major Tour
What: Article about Paw’s rising success in the Kansas City Star
When: June 3, 1994
The band is on an extensive tour to support its year-old debut album, “Dragline.” They’ve traversed Western Europe three times and played two or three shows in most of the major cities and college towns across the United States. The last show of the 14-month trek will be Monday night at the Bottleneck in Lawrence, the town where Paw began its rise to stardom more than four years ago.
“I don’t feel like the town [Lawrence] really dogged us back then,” Hennessy says. “Most of the people in Lawrence have always been fairly supportive. It was people in other bands who were insulting to us, and that’s totally understandable – if it had happened to somebody else before it happened to me, I would have been jealous, too.”