The World Is How Paw Sees It (The Morning Call)

What: Dragline review in The Morning Call (Allentown, Pennsylvania)

When: July 14, 1993

So What:

  • “This here world ain’t no Pleasant Valley Sunday. It’s more like how Paw sees it — an orbiting dirt patch of senseless death and violence and irreparable losses, a living hell in which even the family mutt finds cause to bolt and where the most faithful love object is Veronica found on the dog-earned pages of an Archie comic book.”

  • “Four unshaven longhairs with denim jackets, “CAT” caps and Wheat Belt origins, Paw is not the chaw bacons their promo pictures portray.”

  • “Being shackled by chains watching Lucille is like living in a dirt patch listening to Paw — sheer horror turned into utter delight.”