The World Is How Paw Sees It (The Morning Call)
What: Dragline review in The Morning Call (Allentown, Pennsylvania)
When: July 14, 1993
So What:
“This here world ain’t no Pleasant Valley Sunday. It’s more like how Paw sees it — an orbiting dirt patch of senseless death and violence and irreparable losses, a living hell in which even the family mutt finds cause to bolt and where the most faithful love object is Veronica found on the dog-earned pages of an Archie comic book.”
“Four unshaven longhairs with denim jackets, “CAT” caps and Wheat Belt origins, Paw is not the chaw bacons their promo pictures portray.”
“Being shackled by chains watching Lucille is like living in a dirt patch listening to Paw — sheer horror turned into utter delight.”