Peter Smorodin
Location: Arlington, VA
Paw Fan Since: 1990
Favorite Paw Album: Dragline
Top 3 Paw Songs:
The Bridge
Sleeping Bag
Favorite Paw Riffs: Sleeping Bag, right after: SOMEONE CALL THE DOCTOR!!!
Favorite Paw Lyrics: “Heyyy your dyin’ and you don’t know! Hey ! You make me hate myself… cuz you’re my only brother…and I can’t say it love you.” The drum fill right into that is dope, too.
Favorite Paw Memories:
Seein’ them at the Bottleneck in Lawrence, KS in ‘91.
Grant was a great guy. I felt horrible one day and I spaced a shift at Free State Brewery, he got called in to cover and missed something band related. He was rightfully fucking pissed.
Listening to a ton of Dragline inspired me and my buddy to make a band in the late ‘90s. Paw’s commitment to practice and spartan living arrangements to make it happen were inspiring to us.
In 2003, I looked Grant up and literally called him at home and thanked him for the tunes and inspiration. He wasn’t still mad about the shift …
Paw Wishlist:
That those guys live great and happy lives.
Would love to see them tour with Grant and Peter. Long live PAW!